
Scenario: Analog/Digital-Divide

Debora Weber-Wulff & Stefan Ullrich

Matthias and Melanie have known each other since college. While Matthias was studying medicine, Melanie was studying computer science. They met while working on university committees and soon moved in together. After graduation, Matthias took a job in public health for altruistic reasons. Melanie has an excellent job […]

Scenario: But the Bot Said…

Constanze Kurz & Debora Weber-Wulff

Chris and Rose work in a robotics team at a mid-sized toy manufacturer. In keeping with contemporary trends, the company has been expanding its online electronic gaming capacities for the past several years. Chris and Rose belong to a small group of employees who design and construct animated stuffed toys […]

Scenario: What is true? Data, Graphics and Truths

Christina B. Class, Andreas Hütig & Elske M. Schönhals

Andrea, Alex, and Sascha come from the same small town and have been close friends since elementary school. After high school, they moved to far-flung parts of the country. All the more reason for them to relish their annual get-togethers on December 22, when they would […]

Scenario: Developing Software with your AI Assistant

Christina B. Class, Otto Obert & Rainer Rehak

Are you looking for a little help from AI? These days, many software developers are doing just that. But how much can you trust generative tools? The following scenario illustrates how important it is to pose this question early on.

Three weeks ago, André […]

Scenario: Statistical Aberrations

Christina B. Class & Stefan Ullrich

A little over a year ago, Alex completed his master’s thesis on artificial intelligence and facial recognition. His customizable, self-learning method substantially improved previous results for real-time facial recognition. Last year, after he presented his paper at a conference—including a proof-of-concept live on stage—he was approached by […]

Scenario: The Self-Driving Car

Christina B. Class & Debora Weber-Wulff

For years, they’ve been preparing for this. But now, 1950s-era dreams of a self-driving vehicle are finally coming true. They christened their creation “Galene”—the self-driving car. It performed like a champ on the test track. Even in test drives on American roads—for which Galene had to be […]

Fallbeispiel: Zwischen Wertschätzung und Wertschöpfung

Stefan Ullrich, Reinhard Messerschmidt, Anton Frank

Von der Idee über die Datensammlung bis hin zur Nutzung sind oftmals viele verschiedene Menschen an einem Datenprojekt beteiligt. Dieses Fallbeispiel zeigt auf, welche moralischen Schwierigkeiten sich dabei eröffnen können.

Matilda, Micha und Meryem sind schon seit Schulzeiten befreundet und freuen sich daher sehr, dass sie ihr Freiwilliges Ökologisches […]

Fallbeispiel: Softwareentwicklung mit Kollege KI

Christina B. Class, Otto Obert, Rainer Rehak

Ein bisschen Hilfe von der KI annehmen? Das machen heute viele in der Softwareentwicklung. Doch wie viel Vertrauen kann man den generativen Werkzeugen entgegen­bringen? Ein Fallbeispiel zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, sich diese Frage frühzeitig zu stellen.

André hat vor drei Wochen als Entwickler bei Smart4All angefangen, einer […]

Fallbeispiel: Im seelsorgerischen KI-Gespräch

Debora Weber-Wulff, Constanze Kurz

In kirchlichen Gemeinden fehlt es heutzutage oft an Menschen, die Seelsorge leisten können. Kann eine KI hier die Lösung sein?

Im ländlichen Raum spitzt sich die Lage immer mehr zu: Es gibt kaum Pastorinnen oder Pastoren, die seelsorgerisch tätig sind. Das Start-up KI-Talks will daher eine KI mit einem besonderen Textkorpus […]